There are a few things I really
need right now. It is frustrating not having the money just to go out and buy them. I've noticed that when I really
need things, they seem to pile up at one time. Something breaks, then something else breaks, and pretty soon you're surrounded by broken stuff. With Christmas right around the corner, we are bombarded by ads telling us what we
need and I totally get sucked in. Here are some of the things I
"need" right now:
A new
refrigerator. We do have one, mind you, but I am mad at it right now. It is a side-by-side refrigerator that has really narrow aisles, so that everything is shoved in there and falls to the floor when I open the door. Ugh!
dining room chairs. Here. Let me illustrate:
(yes, this is what you might call a "reupholster hack job" that I did myself - the cushions are glued to the wood and do not come off).
New clothes. Yesterday I looked at my outfit and realized that everything I had on was either a hand-me-down, or I got it at Goodwill. Today I wear a shirt from the "Trash to Treasure" table at MOPS. Come on, a girl needs some
new clothes every once in awhile!!
Wii Fit. No really, I need this!! So that I will be motivated to exercise! Right??!!
new camera lens. This should probably be at the top of my list. I only have one working lens right now and I have a business to run, for pete's sake!
BUT, I have learned in my life that sometimes waiting brings rewards. Good things come to those who wait. We have often waited until the very last minute to buy something we need, until we have saved up enough to get it, and I have done mountains of research to be sure we get the best deal for our money. I really believe that God blesses our desire to be frugal, and when you honor Him with your money, and tithe, the blessings pour on out. Here are a few things we have needed,
waited for, and received. For FREE:
This beauty. This is the 3rd car given to us in the past 10 years, and this was a direct answer to prayer. Before we received it, I was pregnant with Jaden and we knew our old car (also a gift) could not handle both car seats (and was starting to break down). This car was a gift from someone at church, who got it detailed, put new tires on it, and had a complete inspection with all repairs paid for right before we got it. By far this has been one of the biggest blessings in our lives.
My ipod. I really wanted one, but didn't have the money, and then I WON one from a blogging contest!!
Our new mini-netbook. We have always wanted a laptop, and have really needed one at times (but have borrowed from willing friends instead when necessary). This came yesterday, free as part of our new phone service contract. We are so excited!!!
There is really no trick to getting things for free- the bottom line is, if we would have purchased these items when we first wanted them, we probably would have never gotten them for free later. There are plenty of things that we still need and probably won't get for free, but I am just reminded that waiting can be worth it. What are you waiting for?