Part of my simplifying mindset right now involves getting rid of a few things I no longer have time or a passion to invest in. A few months ago I stopped writing for my Pocketwise blog, and will no longer be updating it. I will leave it online but just so it's not permanently deleted forever. I've also stopped writing for my 40 Days to Freedom blog, as my sugar fast has been over for awhile now. I go off and on with The Belly Fat Cure, and love it - but not enough to keep blogging about it regularly. I've also decided to take "The Giving Project" off of my blogging-task-list, as I was getting behind with it and wasn't sure that it ever had a big response anyway. I still make it a personal goal to try to be a giver, although blogging about it began to be a chore.
I also want to simplify my house - get rid of so much clutter. I keep finding myself drawn to pictures like this: white and clean. How I wish I could do my whole house like this!
How do you want to simplify this summer?
Have you seen the red star in my family room? It says "Simplify". It's my daily reminder to keep things less complicated. I've tried to make our summer simple by just being, not always doing. Some of my fondest memories are just doing stuff at home. That being said, we are trying to take ONE vacation, even if it's just a night at a campground. I am also having a yard sale to get the clutter out of our house. Or at least most of it. :) And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture!! I would love all my walls to be aqua but Brian wouldn't go for it. I'm working on getting ONE room though. :)
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