A Spanish rescuer carries two-year-old Redjeson Hausteen after he was rescued from a home that collapsed during Tuesday's earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010.
(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)An boy injured by an earthquake has stitches sewn into his head at a makeshift clinic run by missionaries at a school in Port-au-Prince, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti Tuesday.
(AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
Cindy Terasme screams after seeing the feet of her dead 14-year-old brother Jean Gaelle Dersmorne in the rubble of the collapsed St. Gerard School in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti Tuesday.
(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
And these are the "good" pictures; the pictures of the survivors. As a mother, I cannot help but cry when I see these photos and think "who will hold this boy at night? who will comfort him when he's scared? will he have food and water to drink? where will he go now?" And my heart just wants to fly there right now, scoop him up and take him home with me. I sit in my cozy house, with my boys tucked into bed, and I feel frustrated. Everyone is asking for money, and I can give a little, but I want to do more. Yet the blogs that I'm reading from people on the front line say that they don't want people to come; that means more people to feed and house. They only want those to come who speak the language and can offer real medical help. They keep asking for money and for prayer. Well, prayer is something I can do. But why do I feel like it's not enough? Why am I still frustrated? I guess maybe it shows a lack of faith on my part; "will it really make a difference?"
But tonight, I was reminded that YES - it DOES make a difference. We, as moms, have so much power right now, sitting in our cozy homes with our babes snuggled in bed. WE can pray. Today I was reading about missionaries who own an orphanage in Port Au Prince, and people are continually being brought to them who need medical help. At 10:50am, the owner blogged:
Update from Bill Manassero 10:50AM 1/14/2010
diesel is limited and we are rationing everything. many missionaries are leaving because food and water are scarce. we're sticking to it as long as we can.
We had to close the clinic today because we are out of med supplies. We are praying some arrive -- by the grace of God
We still have a lot of patients and some that could die. Please pray!
diesel is limited and we are rationing everything. many missionaries are leaving because food and water are scarce. we're sticking to it as long as we can.
We had to close the clinic today because we are out of med supplies. We are praying some arrive -- by the grace of God
We still have a lot of patients and some that could die. Please pray!
But read his blog at 6:50pm:
We closed the clinic and said we were unable to help any new people. Someone told me the CNN wanted an interview. We thought if we could get the word out, maybe one of the relief organizations here might hear about our dilemma and find a way to get us supplies. i waited on hold for about 30-45minutes with CNN and they ended up postponing the interview. By the time i made it back to the clinic our doors were open and they were receiving new patients. When i asked what happened, they said an SUV full of Haitian doctors and nurses arrived with supplies. i guess God wants us to stay open -- at least for another day or two (which is how long the supplies may last). Praise God!!!
THAT, mommy-bloggers, is the power of prayer. Let us pray for the missionaries, who are tired, weary and in need of rest. Let us pray for strength for them: emotionally, physically, spiritually. Let us pray for the wounded, that they, too, would rest and find relief from their pain. Let us pray for supplies to get there quickly, and to the right places. Let us pray that the people would find food and water. Let's begin with that.
You can also follow the blog that I linked to above, as well as the blog I've linked to on the right sidebar. This is another family living in Port Au Prince, who have 7 children on the mission field, and ALL survived and are okay. Amazing. That, again, is the power of prayer. I found out about both of these blogs because they are affiliated with a church in our city (where I go to MOPS). These two blogs keep asking us over and over for prayer. And that is something we CAN do.
Jaimie, I just have chills. My heart breaks for the people of Haiti. Thank you for reminding me that my prayers DO help.
ReplyDeleteI've had the same thoughts Jaimie - thank you for voicing them so well!
ReplyDeleteAs a Mother AND a nurse, I am having a really hard time not calling and getting on an airplane. I am so very sad, but truly know that prayer does work and I do and will. If we truly believe (and I do) that everything happens for a reason, it is my belief that actually Haiti may benefit from the attention of the world. I know it is hard to put that together with the suffering we see, but I am hopeful!
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting in words what I have been feeling.
Patricia (in TN)
Jaimie - I came over from Amy's blog - thanks so much for this..I have been feeling the same way you have and thanks for reminding me that GOD is in control and prayer changes things - thanks!!
ReplyDeleteYeah Jaimie, I know how you feel. It's hard to see the children that are hurt or left without their family. It brought tears to my eyes to see one of the women who's only child was in the school and he is still missing. She has been standing there in front of the pile of rubble for days hoping he is alive, sobbing and praying. All I can do is pray for these people, but prayer is ALOT!