I haven't written much lately because life is much busier in this season. Micah (who started 1st grade 3 weeks ago), is doing great in school. The second week he had a mini-breakdown during homework time and cried that he wanted to be homeschooled, stating that he "hated school and was never going back." But we overcame that hurdle and he is a PRO at homework time now, doing 2 full pages of math problems in five minutes or less, and he actually looks forward to reading for 20 minutes every night! We are so happy with his teacher and his class; this year is a welcome change from last year.
It is strange now how life really revolves around school, as opposed to kindergarten where the kids got out earlier and you still had half the day left. Now he gets off at 3pm, does homework at 4pm, and is in bed between 7-8. Jaden is loving preschool, too, spending 3 mornings a week there. It is a good rhythm for our family and is working out well.
I'm officially no longer doing photography and have declined all requests. It feels good, but a little scary not knowing what I'm going to do next. What I want to do is write and speak more, but that doesn't bring any income right now. I'm working on a book and am a little over halfway done. My new website is up, although it needs some work, and that is another project for a rainy day.
For now my days are filled with volunteering at Micah's school, leading a women's Bible study, preparing for our small group on Tuesday nights, and working a small side-job for a few days this month.
I'm really loving our neighborhood lately; the boys have made friends with many of the neighbor kids and the other day I counted 6 of them in our backyard. Most of them are little boys, between ages 4-7, and there is one 12 year old girl who hangs out with them (but she looks about 9). This is such a blessing to us, as the boys love being home and playing with their new friends after school and on the weekends. All of the kids on our block (except for 2 who are only here on weekends) go to the same schools, and I'm thankful we're getting so plugged in there.
Seasons change, and it is good. :)
I know the scared feeling you are talking about. Life will be changing big around my house next year with all my kids and myself going back to school. What a change of life it will be.