From the woman who handled all of Norma's financial affairs, to the many who prayed unceasingly, to the man who looked into hospice options, to the woman who rubbed her feet while she lay in the hospital was a beautiful sight to behold. From the friend who braided Norma's hair as she lay helpless, to the people who came and sang her songs, each was using a spiritual gift. From the person who wrote up the prayer request, to the volunteers who sorted through her belongings - each person played an indispensable role.
There was also an entire group of people ministering to me personally - those who knew the situation I was in - the grief I was carrying. From my friend who babysat the boys and fed them dinner so I could say one last goodbye, to all the girls who left me text messages and voicemails saying they were praying for me - God was ministering to me. From the text my sister sent when she didn't even know I was in tears crying at the beach, God was using people all around me. My husband, who watched the kids so I could be free to minister to Norma - he was an instrument God used, too.
You see, we are not meant to walk alone - we are meant to be a part of the Body. You have a part to play - and each part is just as important as the rest. You may read this and long to see this worked out in your own life, in your own church. It will, but it must begin with you.
In the past 2 weeks I had the honor of speaking at two different MOPS groups, and I tell you, I was so scatter-brained and overwhelmed that I was tempted to cancel both of them. In both situations I teared up on the way thinking, "How can I do this when I can't even think straight?" I was exhausted, spent, and sad, yet God chose to use me in my weakest moments. Each of those ladies I met on those mornings also played a role. They encouraged me without even knowing what I had been up against. I didn't tell them anything about it; yet they took time to smile, to hug, to make me feel welcome. They had a role to play too.
You are a part of the Body of Christ, so be sure to do your part, whatever it might be, because it is just as important as someone else's role. You know, you may be playing a role in ministering to someone else and you may not even know it. That girl in front of you at Target? Maybe your smile was the one thing she needed to see. Because maybe, just maybe, she just found out that her friend died. Go and be the Body of Christ.