Last Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the red carpet premier of
Downton Abbey on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. (The red carpet part? Yeah, that was so short that we didn't even know we walked on it) :)
My sister Lauren and I |
Alaina, Lauren, Me, and Michelle |
It was surreal to be on the Queen Mary and take a step back in time to join with about 250-300 other fans to watch the first episode of the new season. We were treated to snacks, coffee and a "spot of tea," as well as the first hour of the episode. Some people were dressed in period costumes which only added to the fun.
Downton Abbey has become a huge hit, and everywhere you go you will hear people talking about it. I am normally not a fan of period pieces, but this one is an exception. Here are my top 10 reasons for loving Downton Abbey:
1) Her.
I can only hope to be as classy one day! :) (An image from Season 3, episode 1 - hilarious)
2) Lady Sybil, who fought against tradition and married the chauffeur. She eloped with him and they came back together for her sister's wedding, and now the family struggles to accept this new husband who is no longer an employee, but a family member.
3) Lady Mary and Matthew - another classic love story of a distinguished lady marrying a man who fights against upper class divisions. He desires to live a simple life, much to his bride's dismay. Their on-again, off-again relationship kept viewers in suspense until they finally tied-the-knot this past episode.
4) Lady Edith. Ah, the black sheep of the family. She is made fun of in
TV-spoofs, but she really does have a heart. In love with a man 25 years older than she (against her father's wishes), we are still rooting for Lady Edith to find love this season.
5) Lord Grantham. He is not without his weaknesses, but this man is a huge teddy-bear. He is the father of the 3 girls, a husband to Cora, Countess of Grantham, and the son of Violet, Countess of Grantham (see image #1).
And then who can forget the Downton Staff, who have enough drama to form their own spin-off show?
6) The love story of John and Anna. Did he really kill his ex-wife? Say it cannot be! We love John Bates!
7) Mr. Carson, the Head Butler. I don't know....everytime I look at him he reminds me of a faithful old dog. He is loyal to the end.
8) All the staffers we DON'T like, yet keep us rooting for the ones we DO like.
9) The dog. We don't see him much, but he's a yellow lab. What's not to love?
10) The fans. Oh, the fans of this show. We are a loyal bunch, and we stick together. We promote the heck out of this show (for free). I truly think this is one of the best dramas that has been on TV in years (except for
Parenthood, of course). If you are a fan of Downton Abbey, leave a comment and let me know your favorite character, or something you love about the show that I may have missed.
If you are a loyal fan, you will want to check out this fun article called "
Downton Abbey Stars On-Screen vs. Off-Screen" - some of the differences are amazing!
For those who haven't tuned in yet, there is still time! Seasons 1 and 2 are on
PBS and on
Hulu. Season 3 airs on PBS on Sunday nights at 9/8c.