So, last weekend, we went on our very first CRUISE to Ensenada with some close friends. It was also a college reunion cruise, but only 25 people from our college went, and we only knew 2 of them - our friends. Sooo, the night before we left I was really torn about whether or not to go, because Jaden had an ear infection and had not slept well through the night for the last 3 nights. I wanted to just hold him and help him to feel better. But after talking to my mom, who assured me he would be fine, we decided to go.
On Friday night we went to the "boat drill", where I ran into a dear old friend of mine who I knew in high school. I had not seen her for over 8 years! That was so fun! We then headed off to dinner where I found out that we could order anything we wanted in unlimited amounts - boy, do I wish I never had that information! :) Every night they served this "Molten Chocolate Cake" that was to die for, but there was always another dessert I wanted to. So, of course, I ordered 2 desserts I think almost every night. (Hence the 5 pounds I have gained as a result). At 8:45pm that night, we all decided to go to Family Feud (there were 6 of us - 3 couples - hanging out together). Mark & Martin got chosen to participate, and it was so fun to watch them. Mark got a "ship on a stick" trophy and Martin got a medal. Later on we played Bingo, but didn't win anything :( After that we headed off to bed and it was so weird to be able to sleep all through the night and not have to get up to check on the kids - although, I have to admit, I was really missing them and it had only been a few hours.
On Saturday we arrived in Ensenada and walked into town. We shopped, stopped at Starbucks (Yes, Starbucks is even in Mexico!), and ate lunch at a taco place. We bought a mini-guitar for Micah, which he LOVES, and got back on the boat in the early afternoon. After dinner that night, we went in the hot tub, and our friends won $720 after doing the dollar slot machines only twice! We went to the late night buffet that night (Mexican food) around midnight. I seriously don't think I have ever eaten so much in one weekend as I did on that cruise.
Saturday was definitely my hardest day - we had no cell phone service whatsoever, and I had not idea how the boys were doing. I mainly wanted to know how Jaden slept through the night and if he was feeling better. Martin and I talked about it and decided to call home. I made 3 phone calls, only a few minutes each (not more than 10 minutes total), and when we got the final bill, it was $90!!!!! I could not believe it. That should be a crime. But, I do have to admit, getting to call home and see how they were and talk to Micah was worth it. I felt so much better after that. The boys were doing great - Jaden had a few rough spots, but was feeling good.
Sunday was fun - it was our "Day at Sea". We shopped on the boat, had lunch together, went to "The Newlywed Game", bought a "Build A Bear" for the boys and stuffed it in our room, took a long nap, and went to dinner. Our waiters were really funny and one of them kept doing magic tricks for us. After dinner, we decided to take an "old time" group photo (like the ones at Knott's Berry Farm), and all 6 of us got dressed up. The photographer was hilarious - she was from England - and she kept wanting Martin to act like he was putting money in my bra. I kept saying, "No, No!" and she kept making him do it. She said, "You're a 'working' girl, honey - look at that outfit!" and I said, "I just thought it was cute! Don't make him do that for the picture- he's a pastor!" Everyone busted out laughing and the photographer was SO embarrassed. She kept apologizing and saying, "I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" We all laughed about it and told her it was okay :)
After dinner, we played the penny slot machines and I spent $5. I prayed that I would make my money back. I found a nickel on the floor, and right before we left, my friend Ginger said, "Hey, Jaimie! Play that nickel in the nickel slot right here!" So, I did, and I won $5! :) I got so excited I wanted to keep playing, but they all dragged me away from there.
Heather and I sang Karaoke that night - Mariah Carey's "You'll Always Be My Baby". It was fun - but more nerve-wracking than I thought it would be! After that we all went disco dancing - it was great!
The next morning (Monday), Martin and I got off the boat at 6:30am and were home by 7:30am. The boys had just woken up, and we were SO happy to see them. The weekend felt like a week. Martin and I had a lot of fun, but realized that we don't want to be away from our boys again any time soon. We love being with them, but then again, it was great to just have time alone again. The boys did great, and we had a great time. It was a wonderful vacation!