Thursday, August 28, 2008
Piles and Piles
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Body Blues
Monday, August 25, 2008
What Do You Want To Be?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday - Stayed home, cleaned, did nothing. Here is a picture of Jaden after dinner. Total mess! :)

Tuesday - In the afternoon, we went to the Aquarium of the Pacific, where we have annual passes to. Jaden was really scared of this sea lion that kept visiting him and cried every time he saw it, but then when it left, he went looking for it. We also went to dinner at Chili's and caught this picture of Jaden praying. Lately every time we go to pray he folds his hands (which is funny because we normally hold hands, not fold hands. I wonder where he learned that?)

Today (Wednesday), we stayed home in the morning and then went to Knott's Berry Farm since they cut the prices in half for adults after 4:30pm. It was the boys' first time there, and they LOVED it. Especially Micah. He kept calling the roller coasters "rocket spaceships" and wanted to go on almost every ride in Camp Snoopy. It was so strange letting him ride some of the rides all alone. He wanted to do it, but we felt so weird leaving him there and just watching from the sidelines. So begins the journey of parenthood, huh?! :) We stayed from 4:30-9:30pm and I even got to ride 2 coasters since there were no lines! I highly recommend going during this time frame because the park had already cleared out and it was just perfect. Here are some pics from our day:
The only family pic we got together :( The boys were not cooperating at this point (we had just gotten there and they didn't know what to think yet!)

Jaden & I on the train:

Martin & Micah on the race cars - Micah HAD to ride the red one because it looked like Lightning McQueen to him :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Home Improvement
1) I needed to re-cover our dining room chairs. Here is a before and after picture. Some of the chairs had gotten really bad, since we have used them for Micah's booster seat that he eats in. I bought this fabric on clearance at JoAnn's for only $5, and then borrowed my friend's staple gun. This was one of those projects that looked a LOT easier than it was. Let's just say it took me 3 days and I was sweating profusely after each chair was finished! :) Because we can't remove the tops of the chairs, I had to just staple the fabric to the sides. From the top it looks good, but if you look closely at the sides it looks terrible. Oh well... It was cheap and saved us about $300 from buying new chairs (which we will need to do soon anyway).
For our second project:
2) We have a HUGE backyard - I believe it is almost an acre. Our landlord has always said he was going to landscape it, but 6 years later, nothing has happened. Since we are renters we hate having to spend hundreds of dollars of our own to fix it up, either. But thankfully M's dad works at a home improvement store and got us discounted bags of fertilizer and seed. M spent all day Saturday seeding 1/2 the yard. We need to go back for more seed now. We're hoping it works and we'll have a green lawn soon.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Blessing of Boys
I wasn’t always hopeful about having 2 boys. I remember when I was pregnant with my second, we dropped Micah off at my friend Janet’s house for her to babysit while we went to my sonogram appointment. We just knew that our suspicions would be confirmed and the doctor would say “It’s a girl!” (whom we had already named Hailey Elizabeth and spoken to through my womb walls). After all, I was carrying different, I felt different, and I “just knew.” However, while I laid in the sonogram room, the doctor said, “Well, I’ve done about 50 sonograms today and they were ALL girls! Except yours – YOU are having a boy!” Martin and I were in complete shock. “What?! Are you sure?” She showed us very clearly. Yep, it was a boy. We didn’t even have time to process the information, as Martin was late for a work meeting already and I had to run and pick up Micah. When Janet opened the door and said “How did it go!?” I crumpled into a pile of tears. As she led me to the back of the house, I was crying so hard that I bumped into a table and a glass figurine shattered onto the floor. Yep, pretty much how I felt, too. She talked to me for about an hour while I just cried and said “I won’t know what to do with 2 boys!” “I don’t even like sports!” “But we already named the baby, and it’s a girl name!” She cried with me and hugged me and reminded me that I would love this baby so much that I wouldn’t be able to imagine my life without him.
I went home and called my best friend, again in shock from the news. Heather said “God must have a big plan for these two brothers. Don’t forget that.” For about a week I felt numb, confused, and then guilty that I even cared what gender the baby was. After all, if the baby was healthy, why did it even matter? And the fact that I could even get pregnant and have a baby? How selfish of me. But it felt like a big deal because we always said we were only going to have 2 kids, and I always wanted a little girl. A little me. A little princess to play tea parties with and dress in cute dresses and braid her hair. And see her pretend that she was Laura Ingalls, just like I did. And now I knew that was never going to happen.
Shortly after my “breakdown”, I did adjust to the fact that he was a boy and started getting excited. All my sorrow washed away and I knew nothing but love for the baby inside of me. And when Jaden came into this world, he melted into my arms and I fell in love with him immediately. It is true, I cannot imagine our lives without him. He is an amazing baby with a fun personality, and I see myself in his little eyes (even though everyone says he looks like his dad).
Somewhere inside, I still think it would be nice to have a daughter someday, but we’ve already decided that if God leads us down that road, we will adopt. Maybe when the boys are a little older and past the toddler stage we will discuss it more seriously.
But for now, I cherish these 2 boys. I have learned to play with cars, build train tracks, play sports (the 3 year old version), and get excited about the trash man coming just as much as them. We wrestle, we throw sand, and we laugh a lot. God knew just what I needed.
I know I've posted this picture before, but it's my favorite picture of Jaden & I:
Micah & Jaden right after we brought J home from the hospital (5/07):
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What's amazing is that he has never even seen Batman! Not a cartoon, not a picture -nothing! (At least that we know of!) Yet he knew it was a superhero costume and that's all that mattered to him. He has been going outside in his costume and "assuming the position" whenever he sees kids playing outside. It is so funny!
Jaden has also been dazzling us with cuteness :) Lately he's been climbing up into the rocking chair to read books to himself. I love it! He looks so big in this picture to me!
Last night our neighborhood had "National Night Out". The great thing is that every year it is held directly across the street from our house at the school. The whole neighborhood comes and has dessert together, and someone performs. The fire engine and ambulance were there for the kids to climb in, and both boys won toys in the raffle. It was fun. Here's a picture- the first time Micah has actually gotten in the fire truck and wasn't afraid of it!
Lastly, here's a video of the boys messing around while Martin played guitar. So much for dinner!!

Here is the recipe if you want to try them out! (I cut the recipe in half but this is the entire recipe.)
Banana Cupcakes
2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 medium mashed bananas (about 1 cup)
chocolate frosting
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 18 muffin cups with paper baking cups. Combine flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and allspice in large bowl. Add oil, eggs, milk, and vanilla; beat with electric mixer at medium speed 2 minutes or until well blended. Beat in bananas until well blended. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups, filling 3/4 full. Bake 25-30 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool for at least 10 minutes. Frost.
Bakers One Bowl Fudge Frosting
1 pkg. (8 squares) Bakers Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate
1 pkg. (16 oz.) powdered sugar (about 4 cups)
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
2 tsp. vanilla
1/3 cup milk
Directions: Microwave chocolate in large microwaveable bowl on high 2 minutes or until chocolate is almost melted, stirring after 1 minute. Stir until chocolate is completely melted. Cool 5 minutes. Add sugar, butter and vanilla. Beat with electric mixer on low speed until well blended. Gradually add milk, beating until well blended. If frosting becomes too thick, beat in additional milk by teaspoonfuls until of desired consistency.