1) Housing scams- There were 4 different houses that I found for rent on Craigslist, all that had a low rental price. However, when I joined Westside Rentals, I noticed that 2 of them were being rented out for more money by different people. After calling the rental agency that was renting out two of the homes, I told them that I had also seen the ad on craigslist for a lower rental price. Sure enough, there are people out there that are driving around, looking for "For Rent" signs, and posting these homes for cheaper prices on Craigslist. Some of these people actually get in the houses and show them to potential renters and collect deposits. With the other 2 houses I found, I got an email from the "landlord" who said that she had just moved to the UK for business, and I needed to fill out the rental application and wire her the deposit, and it would be mine. For 2 of these houses, I got an email from the same person. I actually called the police about these scams because I know that there are people probably falling for these daily.
2) Anything For Sale Scams - Today I posted 2 pieces of furniture on Craigslist that we are selling before we move. I got an email back that said this:
Thanks for the prompt response. I am satisfied with the information provided about it at the craigslist. I will love to make an instant purchase, so please do withdraw the advert from Craigslist, I don't mind adding an extra $50 dolls for you to do that so that i can be rest assured that the item is in hand. I will also like you to know that I will be paying via check due to the distance and it will be over night payment. My secretary in the state will issue the check for the payment. I am presently on a business trip and will be back soon. You don't need to bother your self with the shipment. Ok? My Mover will handle that .So I will need you to provide me with the following information to facilitate the mailing of the check. Name, Address and Phone number
Have a nice day.
This just seemed a little fishy to me. Anyone that offers to pay for the item by check overnight, and has a "secretary in the state" who will write the check, and send movers over, and wants my personal information - I'm a little wary of. There are warnings all over Craigslist that say to deal with people locally and in person and you will avoid 99% of the scams out there. So true.
3) Work from Home Scams. My brother just sent me a legitimate email from a news organization about how to work from home by posting ads for google. Upon further research I discovered this was a scam as well, as are 99% of online work from home jobs. If you're wondering, just go to google and type in what you want to do, followed by the word "scam" and see what comes up :)
4) Blog Scams. Many Christian moms who blog are aware of the huge scam that was discovered just this week in the story of Little April Rose. This was a woman who blogged daily about her pregnancy with a baby that should have died in the womb (due to a disorder), but she was carrying it to term and delivering it. This was a Christian mom who asked for prayer, and many other Christian moms had linked to her site. On the day of the supposed baby's "birth," her scam was discovered, when the pictures she posted of her baby were actually of one of those real-life dolls instead. Many people recognized the doll and called her on it, and her blog was taken down. There were many people that sent money to this woman. More than anything, this woman needs our prayers, because she obviously is hurting to have a blog like that. (Read further here).
Does this mean that we should not get online anymore, throw our computers out, and react with anger and frustration, not trusting anything online at all? (Do I even need to ask that question?) Of course it doesn't mean that. But we have to be wise, to pray for discernment with anything we come across, and be sure to ask lots of questions. God has given us discernment, and many times we are just so excited about what we came across that we don't listen to His voice inside. So be careful, take heed, and use caution. And don't forget that there are still GREAT deals on Craigslist and other sites, and I'm still listing my own furniture on there right now! :)
(If you want more tips on not falling prey to scams on Craigslist and other sites, read their post here.)
We posted our landcruiser in Virginia on ebay and got an email from a guy in Nigeria offering to buy the truck. He wanted to send us a check 6 grand over the asking and asked us to "exchange" it for american currency. Such a scam!