Saturday, July 17, 2010

Off We Go

On Monday we leave for our first family camping trip to Yosemite.  This week I have run more errands than I thought were possible and we still are short a few things.  Today I realized that I have only 1 pair of shorts, so I just had to go clothes shopping and pick up a few things.  I think my favorite part so far has been all the list-making.  No, seriously.  I know, I'm strange.  Something just really excites me about making tons of lists and crossing everything off of them. I have made food lists, meal lists, what-to-bring lists, what-to-do lists, errand lists, money name it.  I have been packing and LOVE it.  It feels like a big game of Tetris to me.  Let's hope I haven't forgotten anything!  We are excited, a little nervous about the long drive (our boys- and us- don't like long car rides), but we are really happy to reunite with good friends we haven't seen in awhile.  We are camping with their family (they have 2 little girls the same age as our boys), and my parents and sister will be camping a few sites away.  It will be one great adventure!

Remember my last post about Micah - The Strong Willed Child?  Well, we have GOOD news in that department.  Over the last month we have watched our boy blossom and grow, and he went through a major growth spurt in all areas.  He grew a whole clothing size, grew a shoe size, starting taking on his (old) fears with new confidence, started playing soccer on a team, and has had significantly less temper tantrums and meltdowns.  We had a rough 2 week period where we were implementing much of what we learned from the two books mentioned in that post, and it seems to have made a difference.  Honestly, though, I think more of it was him changing than us.  He just seems happier all of the sudden, and it was almost overnight after he turned 5 years old 3 weeks ago.  Yeah!!!  :)

You won't hear from me for the next week, so have a great week!!


  1. Have a great time! I'm sure you have everything you need :)

  2. Have fun!! And remember that if you forgot something you probably could survive without it :D The most important thing is making good memories for the boys. :D
