Saturday, August 16, 2008


My boys have been fighting off this cold for the past week or so. Finally they both started feeling better but then it came back a 2nd time with a vengeance. On Thursday night Micah started coughing this croup/barking-like cough. He woke up a few times Thursday night but slept pretty well for the most part. Last night, however, he was up almost every hour, not just coughing, but having trouble breathing; the kind of breathing they call "stridor" where it sounds like wheezing with every breath. We were really concerned about him. All night long I kept asking myself, "At what point do you decide to take your child to the hospital?" We put him in the bathroom with steam from the hot shower, ran the humidifier, gave him tylenol, etc... but nothing seemed to be helping. I knew that if we took him in, they would give him a breathing treatment, but I also knew that would be extremely traumatic for all of us (Not to mention run us about $500). We prayed for him all night, held him upright, and transferred him from his bed to our bed about 5x (he just can't seem to go to sleep in our bed). Anyway, we never did take him in and he woke up acting completely normal. He still doesn't sound good but at least he's not coughing. We'll see how tonight goes... We have never had to take either boy to the hospital, yet, thankfully, and we hope to never have to!


  1. That's no fun :( So sorry - I wish I could give you a chance for a nap! The few times my girls have done that, where they start feeling better and then it comes back, it has been a sinus infection. I hope that's not the case for them but don't hesitate to take them in if you really need to. Do you have a walk-in clinic open on Sat? Take care and let us know when you are all on the mend! Aren't you supposed to have a staycation this next week? Bummer. . . at least you don't have to change any plans.

  2. Hope all is better in your house. We have had to do the hospital once when Lila when she was 1 week old. Not fun at all and a very scary place for a mommy. You should look and see if your insurance has a 24 hour nurse who is on-call. Many of them do it now where you call in and ask quesitons and they tell you to go to the hospital or wait till the doctor office is open again. We have used it a couple times it is a great service.
