Twelve of us made it to this reunion, which was planned pretty last-minute based on who was on Facebook and could get the messages. Tiffany flew in from San Antonio, TX, and Erica & Anna drove down from Fresno/Tulare. We all met at the Cheesecake Factory and had lunch, and I could see other people watching us as we laughed and talked, wondering who we all were :) We also threw Mandy a surprise baby shower, as she and her husband just adopted a beautiful 3 year old girl. We went around the table and shared what we had all been up to since graduation, and I just felt so honored to be in the company of such great women. Among us were 8 teachers (or former teachers now working from home), 2 social workers, 1 paralegal, and 1 in the insurance industry. Between us all we now have 15 children ranging from 0-5 years old. Oh, how fun it would be to have all of our kids in one place! But this time it was just us mommies.
One of the things I loved about our time together was not only how we just picked up where we left off, but how we all are so much the same in our "older" bodies. Yes, we have all grown, changed, and been through many ups and downs in our lives. We have a few stray gray hairs here and there, and a few small "smile lines" around our eyes now. But for the most part, everyone looks the same, laughs the same, and talks the same.
I am so thankful for such great friends to share life with. It is wonderful having friends like this who keep in touch with each other and share life together. I can't wait until our next reunion! We are planning on getting together yearly from now on. Here are a few pictures:
All of us eating:
Some of us in 1998:

Same pose in 2008 :)

All of us: