Last week we spent Tuesday-Friday up in the mountains. We were able to stay at a cabin that is located within a Christian camp I grew up going to, so I have a ton of memories there. My favorite memory of all, though, was when Martin proposed to me on the amphitheater stage 10 years ago! We had been staying in a local older couple's cabin with about 15-20 friends, and they all knew (except for me) that Martin was going to propose that beautiful, snowy day there at that camp. This was the first time I had been back in about 5 years, so I was just so excited to go stay there for the week.

The boys had a lot of fun while we were there; Jaden did not like the snow all that much because he was cold, so he cried a lot when we were playing in the snow. But Micah just loved every second.

On the first day we went into Lake Arrowhead and visited the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory - my favorite :) and then played in the snow around the camp. On the second day, it rained and snowed lightly all day, so we had to stay inside for hours. Not easy to do with 2 toddlers, especially considering there was no tv in the cabin, but Martin is creative and thought of games for them to play. That night we had a "movie night" with our tiny little DVD player :)
On Thursday we went sledding, built a snow man, and visited Lake Arrowhead for a second time. At the very back of the shopping center was a playground, and Jaden fell and cut his lip open really badly and it was bleeding everywhere. We were nowhere near a bathroom, so I had to improvise. I had no Kleenex, and all I had on me was a maxi pad. So I ripped that sucker open and stuck it in Jaden's mouth to absorb the bleeding. Worked like a charm, but I was laughing and hoping that nobody saw what I was doing! He was okay but cried a lot that day :( Poor baby...
We stayed until Friday morning and made it home in time for lunch. We were so blessed to be there. We even got to eat for free in their cafeteria for every meal since they had about 150 kids there for a Science Adventure Camp. The entire trip only cost us $60 since we didn't have to pay for the cabin either! It was such a blessing.
However, within 10 minutes of being home, we got a $57 parking ticket for being on the street during street sweeping hours, and then I tried to turn on my MAC and found it was totally dead. I cried a lot that day, from not only being tired, but the thought of potentially losing EVERYTHING on the computer. All of my photo sessions were on there, every document from the past few years, baby photos, etc... I had only backed up about 50% of what had been on there. I made an appt. for Sunday at the MAC store, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. I was asked to leave it there and was given an estimate of up to $1000 to fix. I came home and prayed like crazy, and within 3 hours they called me and said it was fixed! The technician said it was just a loose cable inside and he wasn't going to charge me ANYTHING! I can't tell you the joy I felt! I went to pick it up and said to the man who brought it to me, "Are you the one who fixed it?" He said "No, Todd's in the back." I said, "Oh, okay, because I just want him to know that I LOVE him!" :)
Here are some more pics from the trip (and I'm loading some new videos to the right as well) :) Have a great week!!!