We called our friend Jay who is a contractor, and he rushed over and fixed it. He is such a great guy. Seriously. No big deal at all. Sounds like there was a water burst when everything was quiet and our pipe was the one that busted. Easy fix for our friend Jay!!
This week I am so excited to be able to help Martin at a worship camp he is helping to co-direct and lead. It is at another church in the area, and open to all teenagers who want to learn how to lead and play for worship. I am going to be helping with the vocals and I start tomorrow. Oh- and free babysitting is provided! I have decided that free babysitting is possibly the greatest ministry EVER.
One of the things I love about our area is that so many of the churches are really, really united. The pastors all get together regularly for prayer and accountability. We "share" people if needed, like worship leaders, speakers, etc... I am on the leadership team for MOPS at a different church, and here we're leading this worship camp with yet another church in the area, where teens from churches all over come together. The youth groups in our area are really united, too - across denominations (yet all evangelical), coming together to worship once a month. It is really incredible.
This week will be really busy for us not only because of that, but because I am scheduled to take photos and videotape a friend's birth this week as well. We don't know when she's going into labor, but it should be tomorrow or the next day. Yikes! I hope the timing all coincides. I hope you all have a great week!!
Yikes! burst pipe is no fun - glad Jay helped you out right away :)