Hubby has been gone for 3 days now and things have gone so smoothly. I have slept better this time than ever before when he's been gone (okay, well, I was only alone for 1 night, but still - it was a GREAT night's sleep). My sister came yesterday and just her presence has made things so much easier. She is a great help around the house and it is so wonderful just to be able to go into the other room and not worry about the boys since she is with them. She leaves tomorrow, and then I head out to my parents the next day.
On Sunday I took out our new double jogging stroller, which I bought after being inspired by Corrina, and I loved it! It is about 50 pounds lighter than pushing the boys in the other double stroller. We took a walk to the 99 cent store, my favorite walking destination (about 4 blocks away), bought some items and came home. The boys really seemed to enjoy the ride and I enjoyed the walk. Note to self: get out more! :)
I know Jaden doesn't look happy, but really, he is :)

I know Jaden doesn't look happy, but really, he is :)
Today was Micah's last speech therapy session. I think I have written about this before, but when he entered in December, he was only using about 10 words and was considered to be 10 months behind. His speech was just re-tested last week and they said he is right where he should be - Praise God! Now he just needs to work on articulation. So today at his last session, they had a little "graduation celebration" for him and presented him with a certificate and I made home-made sugar cookies for the occasion. I totally teared up at the end. Our little boy is growing up! Even his therapist teared up and said Micah is one of her favorite students and she is going to miss him so much. It was a precious time and I felt so nostalgic on the way home. This is just the beginning of these life transitions... I don't think Micah realizes he won't see his "friend" (therapy teacher) anymore, but I know he will be sad eventually that he hasn't seen her for awhile. I am so thankful God ordained that she was his teacher.