Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blessings, Boogers and the Bible

That pretty much sums up the past 3 days for us:

Blessings - On Sunday night our dear friend Laura from church offered to babysit for us so we could go out for our anniversary. When we got home at around 10:30pm (after eating out and seeing a movie), we saw her standing outside our front door and I thought she got locked out. But as I looked closer, I saw she was CLEANING our front door! Upon entering our house we were greeted by the smell of Clorox wipes and the sight of a shining kitchen from top to bottom! Every nook and cranny of our kitchen had been cleaned, along with every square tile on the floor. She actually had gotten on her hands and knees to clean the floor with the Clorox wipes! Martin wondered if this meant our house looked dirty (but I knew we had just cleaned), but I assured him (as she did) that she was just blessing us and knew we didn't have much time to get to those things very often! What a true blessing and a true friend.

Boogers- Jaden just got over being sick for 3 days with a nasty cold that plugged up his nose at night, meaning we didn't sleep much from Thursday-Saturday. Alas, last night Micah also caught it and we were up all night with him. Usually the first 2 nights are the worst, so we are bracing for another late night tonight. At least they are not both sick at the same time. Poor baby had to miss his first day of school this year, and so there was a lot of TV watching today as he sat with droopy eyes and a clogged nose.

The Bible- Last night I had the opportunity to go to another church to hear Anne Ortlund speak on Discipleship. This was such a compelling and convicting night. She asked us all "who have you discipled?" And "are those people discipling others?" Anne spoke with intensity, reminding us that the church is full of Christians but few disciples. We are used to doing "book studies" but few "Bible studies." We are so busy with worldly activities that we neglect what is most important. She spoke directly to moms - "If you are too busy shuttling your kids around to soccer practice and baseball practice and school events, etc... and you have no time to be discipled or to disciple, you are involving yourself in worldly affairs." (My paraphrase) She was speaking in regards to 2 Timothy 2:4 which says "No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer." So true. This made me really want to start a discipleship group according to the model she and her husband have developed (also on their website), and I'm really praying about who to invite for the next 9 months or so.

Lastly, today I attended a luncheon for women in ministry called "The Gathering", and it was such a sweet time. There were 10 of us this week and I shared what God has been teaching me lately (which I'll have to post another time). I am so thankful for being a part of such a great company of women.

That's the latest on this end - I hope you are having a joyful and adventurous week!


  1. How sweet of Laura! Sickness is never fun - I hope you got a good night sleep :) Maybe a nap if not. So glad that you were able to be challenged and fellowship, those are great times for mommies :)

  2. Wow...I would love a friend like yours right now. :-) Jaimie...thank you for sharing about the discipleship idea. I've been wanting to do a women's Bible study for SO long, but have waited because I wasn't sure what to do, how to do it, what to study or who to ask to be involved. I am going to check out her website...you always have such a wealth of knowledge and information. I LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Ah, to commune with other pastor's wives face to face.. sounds lovely!

    My youngest has been up at night with a clogged nose too. You have my sympathies and prayers!
