(January) My grandfather's funeral, and finding out I have a cousin who I had never met, who is an amazing photographer and has 2 young children just like me!
(February) Photographing my first wedding,and making some amazing new friends who became my prayer partners this year (the bride is one of them):
(March) The boys first trip to the snow this year:
(April) Going to the Catalyst Conference in Irvine, where I got to pursue my love of church leadership and be inspired to do great things for God.
(May) Holding Micah's hand as he went through surgery, holding him as he recovered, and marveling at the progress he has made.
Also, celebrating Jaden's 2nd birthday:
(June) Took Micah to Disneyland for the first time to celebrate his 4th birthday.
(July) MOVED!!! (Here we are on the last day at our old house)
(August) Martin's 6 week sabbatical started, and we spend a weekend being discipled by Anne Ortlund. This was also the month we took our annual trip to Morro Bay with our amazing friends Kurt & Anna and their two girls.
(September) The MOPS Convention in Nashville, where I was also able to re-unite with my best friend from high school who I had not seen in 18 years!
(October) Hmmm.... not much happened here, but we did go to Disneyland with our BFF's Mark & Heather and their son Emerson!
(November) Potty Trained Jaden! (Still working on that binky, though)
(December) Took on the crazy task of entertaining 75 people in our home within 2 weeks time for Christmas. As my mom said, I guess I was making up for not being able to entertain in our old home! Oh- and I cooked a record number of dishes in those two weeks, more than I have probably ever cooked in our 10 years of marriage! I will honestly never forget this Christmas!
One of my favorite quotes that I heard this year was when Micah recently said to me "Mommy, sometimes big boys still need their mommies to hold them." My heart just melted. Another was "Mommy, I want to show this to Googy (Jaden's nickname). Googy is my best friend!" Martin replied with "that's why we had them so close together!"
2010 will hold some more important milestones for us: Jaden will go off to preschool in the Fall, and Micah will enter Kindergarten. That's about all we know for now - we trust that God has great things in store for us.
Tomorrow we are heading to Knott's Berry Farm to celebrate New Year's Eve with those good friends who you saw above (in the Disneyland picture). I hope you have a blessed and amazing New Year!!