First of all, as much as I LOVE speaking, I realized this week that I cannot yet double-book myself (2 engagements in one week). It's not a lot, I know, but it's still too much for me at this point in my life. I think once a month would be nice. Of course, I am only speaking twice in 4 months, yet booked both of those sessions within one week. Go figure.
Last Monday I had the opportunity to speak to a local MOPS group and shared the same message that I blogged about here last year. It was a great morning, and I love meeting new moms. I sat at a table with a young mom who had 3 children (and was pregnant with her 4th), who shared about how other moms judge her by how she looks and how she parents. She shared a story about how at church, her daughter wet her pants, and she forgot to bring a change of clothes. So she stripped her down to her underwear and people were walking by her scoffing and giving her dirty looks. She was on the verge of tears, already overwhelmed by other events that happened that morning, and she felt so judged and shamed, mainly by other mothers. I thought, "what is wrong with us mothers, that we would make another mother feel like this?" I'm sure the other moms walking by did not know her story; they just cared about what they saw in that moment. Sure, I may not have chosen the church lobby to strip my child down. But to shame her and make her feel like a bad mother, when she was already overwhelmed and trying to figure out what to do? I was saddened for her. I wondered how often I have judged another mom without knowing her story.
On Sunday I was given the opportunity to preach at church. God had laid a particular message on my heart for the church about Surrender, and my sister and her boyfriend came and performed a beautiful song that they wrote. The whole morning went great, and a lady in our church told me later that her daughter's boyfriend recommitted his life to the Lord in the parking lot that morning. I'm so thankful to be part of a church that encourages in women in ministry and humbled to be given the opportunity. You can listen to Lauren and Phil's song below (You can visit their Facebook page here). If you'd like to listen to the message I gave on Sunday, feel free to visit this link and click on "launch sermon player" and then find me there. If you ever need a speaker for your women's or youth event, I would love to talk with you more about it!
Oh...the dreaded "look" from other moms. I just HATE that and I hope I never give one of those "looks".
ReplyDeleteJaimie, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Seriously, you are doing everything you dreamed of...speaking and writing...and as you get more time and the boys get older, I know that you will continue to be given opportunities to use your gifts because you are so talented. I am so blessed to be able to call you my friend. Love you!