What To Understand About C-Sections
-A mom who has a c-section may be suffering from guilt in the days and weeks after her c-section. It is normal for her to wonder if she did something wrong to have to have a c-section, especially if it was unplanned or she hoped for a natural birth. It does not help to say things like, "Oh, what a bummer!! Too bad you had to have a c-section." Although that sounds... consoling at first, it could make her feel like everyone sees her birthing experience as negative and unfortunate, when in reality, a beautiful baby still was born!
- Here are more things not to say:
- "I WISH I could've had a c-section. You don't even know how bad it hurts to have a baby the regular way!"
-"Did you really have to have one? Wasn't there anything else they could have done?" Again, not helpful. You are not a doctor, and neither is she. What's done is done, and the baby is here.
-"At least you didn't have to wait anymore". Again, sounds consoling, but many moms would rather wait and have a natural birth than have to have a c-section.
-Bring up statistics about how you read that way to many hospitals are giving women c-sections who don't really need them. Again, not helpful.
-It is also important to understand that a woman who's had a c-section may not want visitors for the first day or two (or longer). She is recovering from major surgery and could be in a lot of pain. For me, I felt drugged up the entire first day and was shaking uncontrollably from coming out of the anesthesia. I actually started to get mad that so many people were coming to visit me when I wasn't even...present. Again, some people may not react like this - but it is best to text first (avoid calling the mom if possible that first day), so that she can have the option to say "no" to visitors.
-It is also normal for a new mom to be very emotional the first few days, depending on how the anesthesia affected her body. I was sweating and crying for 3-4 weeks. I remember someone came over to drop us off a meal, and I hid in the bathroom sobbing, and I didn't even know why.
What you CAN do is this:
-DO call or text before visiting to see if it's okay.
-DO bring her a meal. It is very hard for (many) moms recovering from c-sections to walk around and get in and out of bed.
-Offer to come over and watch the baby so she can just sleep. Again, moms recovering from c-sections often need more sleep than someone who had a traditional birth, at least for the first 2 weeks (but up to 6 weeks). Everyone is different, but I found this helped me heal more than anything.
-DO ask how she's feeling. Check in with her. Let her know you are there to listen and help her in any way possible.
-DO focus on the baby, instead of the way she had the baby.
What you Shouldn't Do is this:
-Do NOT - I repeat, do NOT - come visit if you are at ALL sick or someone in your family is sick. Not only will a new mom freak out about you contaminating her baby, but if she got sick while recovering from a c-section, it could be very bad for her (especially if she gets sick with a cough while healing from her stitches).
-DO NOT come visit her in the hospital if she's not ready. I know I already mentioned that above, but as I stated, recovery from a c-section is radically different and she may not want visitors seeing her in that state. Check with her first.
-DO NOT ask to see her scar. Um, humiliating. Unless she offers to let you see it.
-DO NOT put expectations on her to be at an event for at least 6 weeks. Be very understanding of her healing process, and do everything you can as a friend to protect her during that time.
I hope these things are helpful to friends and others who know someone going through a c-section. While some people have planned c-sections and will respond very differently than this, others will have a very hard time with it. Now it's your turn - former c-section mommies, did I miss anything?