Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something Changed.

This has been a challenging week for us and it is starting (finally) to look up. Micah got sick on Easter Sunday with a really strange rash on his torso that then spread to his tongue (strawberry tongue). He had a fever for 4 days, had thrown up on the first day, and was up all night for about 4 nights in a row with a stuffy nose and coughing. We weren’t sure what was wrong with him so I finally took him to the doctor yesterday, and she couldn’t tell what had caused it either. While the rash was indicative of a virus that is starting to pass, what she could tell us was that he once again had fluid in his ears and he is on the verge of another ear infection. We’ve decided to re-schedule his surgery for tubes and adenoids, and are going to ask the doctor to also remove his monster tonsils (that’s how the doctors keep referring to them). I will hopefully get a date on Monday as to when that will be.

Jaden also came down with a cold, and I twisted my knee doing the 30 Day Shred, while simultaneously coming down with whatever the boys have had. Last night I had a good 9 hours of sleep while Martin took care of both boys during the night so that I could sleep. Sleep makes such a difference.

As for our house hunt, we have searched for hours, made countless phone calls, drove around looking for “for rent” signs, etc. What we’ve found has not been what we were looking for either location-wise or rent-wise. God has clearly closed four different doors that we thought were opening. Today our landlord emailed us and said he’s doing whatever he can so that we won’t have to move out on June 1. Well, I almost wish he hadn’t said that because I just want to know one way or the other. I’ve already packed up quite a few boxes. My heart has been set on moving. This morning I wrestled with God about all of this. After my spiritual tantrum-throwing, something changed inside of me. I don’t know what happened, but suddenly I realized that whatever happens, I’ll be okay with it. Maybe God was trying to bring me to that point all along. If we have to move, I’ll be happy for a change. If we don’t have to move, I’ll be happy that we’re saving money (for a future house, perhaps) and that things will stay stable for awhile. We have 6 weeks left, during which time our landlord could say that his situation changed and we can stay. At 9am this morning, that thought would have made me cry. But by 11am this morning, I am okay with that possibility.

God works in mysterious ways, and I don’t have an understanding yet of this process. But I do know that if we’re willing to just be in His will, even if we don’t get it (and we think our will might be better, actually), then He will bless us for our obedience. I know this because I have seen it firsthand before. Most of the big transitions we’ve made in our lives, I have resisted because I wanted something different. And it was painful to have to submit to God. But I see now that when I do that, there are big rewards and He carries us through.


  1. "Man can make plans but only the Lord makes them happen"
    "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it."
    "Do not be anxious for anything, but do all things through prayer and supplication."
    "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength"
    "If I rise on the wings of dawn, or settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me. Your right hand holds me up"
    And all that other good stuff...... :D
    Love you and praying for continued peace in your home.

  2. Jaimie, I've been thinking so much about you and wondering how house hunting has been coming along. I will continue to pray for God's grace through this process. It is SOOO hard to wait...especially when you see a deadline fast are in my prayers and thoughts all the time!

    LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Continued prayers for you guys as you walk through this uncertain time - He knows and is making a way for you, whatever it may be.
